Why Let It Be is the Most Unique Album Cover in the World ?

Those Classic Album Style (Source: Amazon.com, thanks Bezos!) 

I should admit that everybody couldn't escape the British Invasion of the Beatles since 1960's. Include me, myself (although right now I avoid to hear them because of their overrated tendency to me). But, we all agree that this band, if it is too overrated, is the most influential, famous and well memorized in this world. 

Let's get into the detail. If we talk about a band, of course we talk about something directly (and undirectly) related to the band and musician itself. Such as : 
1. Musical related content (lyrics and tunes) especially its art content 
2. Musical talent and abilities of the artist (personnel) 
3. Personalities of the artist itself 
4. Ideologies and political stance (maybe) 

The Beatles, meanwhile, has it all. Their lyrics and tunes are universally accepted. And they have many loyal fans around the world 

Especially Him, Yes 

So many fans that, they try to replicate or duplicate one of Beatles's masterpiece, Let It Be. Especially its cover as mentioned above.

Let It Be cover has a unique design. A square that consist of four smaller square. Even this design has been followed by another artist 

Talking Heads-Remain in Light (1980)

Even they undercover with red highlight

R.E.M.-Fables of the Reconstruction (1985)

Blur-The Best Of  (2003)

Gorillaz (the same band that created by Blur's Damon Albarn) Demon Days 

What does it means? It means that this four tiles style of Let It Be is so famous even another great artist copy it. 

It means that, THE BEATLES is (STILL) a GOOD ARTIST while OTHERS are GREAT ARTIST (because of stealing, maybe).

So, what's your consideration about this style of album cover? 


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