An Underrated Place in Lebak Called Sawarna

Again, we, Indonesian, always forgot how beautiful our country is.
We have so many island (it is 17.504 according to Wikipedia Indonesia and 16.056 according to Mongabay) with longest coastline in the world (edit: we're behind Canada in this one). But sadly (i mean ironically), we're still focus on the same place for tourism spot. Come on, we're too dependent on places such as Bali, Lombok NTB, and Special Province of Yogyakarta  for nice and beautiful beach and ocean shore. What's so special with those place?  Bali itself will tend to be so overrated overplayed in the future.

Let's straight to the point (enough previous nonsense chit-chat). Introduce to you Sawarna Shore in Bayah, Lebak

Even They Follow The Trend of Huge Naming Boards 

You can reach this place using public transportation (there is a public bus board from Rangkasbitung, Lebak to Cikotok, Lebak which passed Bayah sub-district or try another bus from Rangkasbitung Terminal) or by personal transportation mode (normally it take 4 hours and 39 Minutes via Sukabumi and Bogor Regency and 5 hours 53 Minutes via Jakarta en route Cilegon City) 

What is so special with this place ? 

That is the gravestone (sepulchre) of Jean Louis van Gough, a closer relatives (next of kin) to Vincent Van Gogh, a famous expressionist painter hailed from the Netherlands. He was buried in one of Sawarna Coconut Plantation which he was commissioned in early 20th century (exactly on 1907). His dream was created an integrated and well-prosperous coconut plantation in Lebak, Banten.

This cemetary itself was found on early 2000's by some correspondence to van Gogh family and relatives in the Netherlands.

2. There are too many amazing and spectacular geology and rock formation along Sawarna beach (exactly Tanjung Layar) (which has correlation with similar geological formation in Karangsambung, Kebumen, Central Java).

Especially this Batu Layar (Eng: Sailing Rock)

Nice :) 

Pay Attention to the Astonishing Tanjung Layar Rock Formation (and pillow lava) !

Extraordinary view of Karang Bokor Beach that Remind Me of Similar Beach in Gunungkidul Regency

3.  Multatuli and Pramoedya Related Place

Suddenly I realize that this place (maybe) inspire Multatuli and Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Multatuli, as we know it, is a well known figure who lived in Colonial-Era Lebak, Banten. He earn living from harvesting crops and rice field plantation while he saw extreme gap within local people and colonial landlords. From this experience, the well known novel Max Havelaar had been created.

Meanwhile, Pramoedya has been created a well known novel called "SEKALI PERISTIWA di BANTEN SELATAN"
From this novel synopsis, I realize that this novel was to describe extreme famine and arbitrariness of Dutch Colonial Government in Lebak which also described in Multatuli Max Havelaar. 

4. You can feel sensational sunset (and might be sunrise if you're lucky) here

No words can replace this beautiful scene. What a nice scenery :) 

Advantages if you enjoy this place is there are so many cheap home stay and hostels along Sawarna and Bayah beach. But the main drawback is few ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) in this area. 

This Lebaran (Eid Al Fitri) holiday was just three days to me (I don't took long holiday or known as collective leave), but the moment I enjoy Sawarna was so extraordinary and unforgettable. I hope someday I will enjoy this place again and have much more time to explore this area. 


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